Brendan Hufford, ALL IN Community, Growth Sprints

How the All-In Marketing Community rewards engagement with Loop & Tie

with Brendan Hufford, ALL IN Community, Growth Sprints



About ALL IN

In early 2021, Brendan Hufford decided to start a community for in house marketers. Tired of all the dead-end marketing groups out there, he created ALL IN for marketers (like himself) who wanted to go "all in" on their careers without sacrificing everything else that makes them well-rounded humans.

In building community, engagement is everything

When Brendan created the ALL IN community, he did so as an answer to the hundreds of community groups for professionals where, upon paying for membership, new members often find a slack group that feels like a ghost town. Brendan wanted ALL IN to be different; a group that truly communicated with and leaned on each other to further member careers. 

“When people join, there can’t be tumbleweeds. There’s a core group of 20-30 people that really make ALL IN such a vibrant community to become part of;  I wanted a way to say thanks to those people. That was the start of my gifting journey with Loop & Tie,” says Brendan. 

Brendan’s team identified the group’s 20 most active members. “Then we just said, let’s send them some rad stuff.”

Work from home presents new challenges in sending gifts

Brendan had plenty of experience with sourcing gifts, both for ALL IN and his past life leading SEO in the agency world. Brendan had even considered gifting his members branded swag, but quickly realized that not only was it difficult to source items that were high enough quality for him to feel good about, but that sending to his members presented a secondary challenge. 

“It felt really weird for me to be like ‘hey, give me your home address’— because we’re all at home now. It was different when people primarily worked from offices, and they were usually comfortable providing that address. 

On top of that, getting addresses is actually really challenging. You’re emailing your recipients multiple times, ‘hey, give me your address… please give me your address… just bumping this…’ Now I’m annoying you to send stuff, and that sucks. That’s the opposite of how it should work.” 

Platform-level service… minus all the hurdles

Before deciding to gift with Loop & Tie, Brendan considered several other options, including two well-known brands in the gifting space. Ultimately, he didn’t want to send gift cards, and branded swag didn’t feel right either— on top of which, he didn’t want to spend money he could be using to send gifts on exorbitant platform fees.

“I feel great about spending money on gifts for my members, but I want it to go to the gifts that people are getting. I loved that I could get started with Loop & Tie for free; I’m not the kind of user that sends gifts every single month, but I do want the convenience of a platform.” 

In the end, Loop & Tie’s Free subscription offering along with the gift mix and collection-based gifting experience made the platform an easy choice for Brendan. 

“The first moment I saw the collections I thought, ‘done.’ I could absolutely do gift research as procrastination. This way, I know I’m sending great gift options with something for everyone.”

Visibility and efficiency make gifting more rewarding 

In the end, 100% of All-In’s recipients selected a gift and sent a thank you note. Even where Brendan originally included a wrong email address, system reminders made it easy to see where he needed to take manual action. 

“The system would tell me ‘hey, we’ve send the third reminder email [but your recipient didn’t redeem].’ It was really easy for me to just be like ‘hey, is this still your email address?’ And it was easy to correct it when I found the errors. I also like that the thank you replies are logged in your portal. I got them in my inbox, but they’re also in the system, which is cool.”

“In the end, people seemed to feel appreciated, which is what I cared about.”

About the Author

Start gifting right now—no subscription required

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